It’s been another great year for all of us at the Colombia Travel Blog in 2016 – more people have visited our page to learn about visiting Colombia than ever before! For many people 2016 will be remembered as a terrible year and it was in many ways. But in a sense the year also […]
Tag: Colombia Travel News
En el Colombia Travel Blog se ha convertido una tradición anual, escribir una lista de nuestros 10 mejores destinos para viajar este año – cada enero miramos a los últimos 12 meses de nuestros viajes por Colombia y las tendencias que hemos notado y definimos 10 lugares espectaculares que recomendamos mucho a visitar a nuestros seguidores […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– The See Colombia Travel Best Meme of 2012 Keep Calm and See Colombia Sometimes, all the pieces fit. The best memes are simple, memorable, visually arresting, and put a little twist on something that’s in the collective consciousness. Here, we have a familiar formula given a little spin, using […]
It’s become a New Year tradition on the Colombia Travel Blog to write a list of our 10 best destinations in Colombia for the upcoming year – every January we look at the last 12 months of Colombian travel that we have undertaken and the trends that we have noticed and determine 10 amazing places […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– When I first decided to move back to Colombia – I had previously lived here for a year in 2011 – I knew that I would be coming back to this wonderful country regardless of whether I found a job right away. I planned to fly out and find […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Prior to this year’s Tour de France it was generally assumed here in Colombia that Nairo Quintana was Colombia’s best chance at a podium spot. However, it was his compatriot Rigoberto Uran who stormed to a surprise 2nd place finish yesterday in Paris, with a final time of 86H 21′ […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombian football fans around the world are currently covertly inquiring if it’s possible to swap a Real Madrid jersey (only 3 years of use!) for a brand new Bayern Munich one, as it was announced today that the Colombian superstar will join the German giants on a two-year loan […]
¿Vamos a repetir la misma historia? Me tomé mi tiempo para comentar sobre ese día tan esperado en Colombia en que los terroristas de las FARC entregaron las armas, porque como nos enseña la historia, es mejor informarse bien antes de lanzar juicios y opiniones. Mi objetivo no es entrar en controversias, sólo quiero usar […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– This Saturday, May 13, is a massive day for Colombia; a chance for the country to break a world record and make history. However, unless you, like me, are a binocular-sporting bird enthusiast it’s highly unlikely that you have this date triple-circled in red marker pen in your diary. […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– The stunning El Cocuy National Park, which has been completely closed to visitors since February 2016, is set to reopen, albeit only partially, this Thursday, April 6. After extensive negotiations between the U’Wa indigenous community, who consider the park sacred, and the National Parks office of Colombia it has […]