You can also read about Colombia’s Top 5 Scariest Mythological Characters right here… –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– 1. El Silbón “The Whistler” is a truly disturbing legend from the llanos, the eastern plains bordering Venezuela. The story goes that a wicked young man killed his father in an angry rage when he didn’t bring […]
Tag: Colombian History
Colombia celebrated its Independence Day on July 20th, 1810, independence was declared in Santa Fe de Bogotá. The process was by no means easy; the Wars of Independence continued long after this date, and Colombia became part of Gran Colombia (including modern-day Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador) in 1819, but, following its break-up in 1831, Colombia […]
This is a guest post by Di Michelle, a digital marketer and world traveler currently exploring South America and blogging about it on her travel blog ‘Slight North’. Over the next few months, she will be sharing photographic tales of her Colombian travels with the Colombia Travel Blog through her travel photo diaries. Next up […]
The anniversary of the death of Simon Bolivar was on December 17th, 1830. Although the man commonly known as ‘The Liberator’ was born in Venezuela (Caracas in 1783), many of Bolivar’s greatest triumphs and disasters took place in what is now Colombia, during and after the Wars of Independence which have made him famous throughout […]
On a rare occurrence, my mother, who is my friend on Facebook (what has this world come to?) commented on a picture of me from my recent visit to Pasto and surrounds. I found this odd, as she rarely comments on my pictures. I got to thinking about why this could be and discovered something […]
¿Vamos a repetir la misma historia? Me tomé mi tiempo para comentar sobre ese día tan esperado en Colombia en que los terroristas de las FARC entregaron las armas, porque como nos enseña la historia, es mejor informarse bien antes de lanzar juicios y opiniones. Mi objetivo no es entrar en controversias, sólo quiero usar […]
Voy a ser sincera: ya llevaba un buen tiempo viviendo en Antioquia pero nunca me habían recomendado a visitar a Sonsón. Llegué por primera vez ahí cuando hice escala en este pueblo para llegar a Nariño, Antioquia (un tesoro natural sobre el que escribí aquí) y me llamó la atención por el estilo colonial de las […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Walking tours can be pretty hit-and-miss as far as I’m concerned – you either end up with a fascinating insight into a culture or moment of history (e.g. Bogota’s excellent graffiti tour or, the best walking tour I have ever taken, the civil war walking tour of Sarajevo in […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– The international accolades just keep coming for Colombia as 2016 winds down – fresh from being named Lonely’s Planet’s No. 2 pick for travel in 2017, the latest positive news for the once no-go country is that The Economist, an English weekly news magazine and one of the world’s […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– After being approved by Colombia’s Congress late on Wednesday, a ratified peace deal with the FARC has officially passed, and Colombia’s 52 year war with the guerrillas is at an end. President Santos had called today D-Day: the day when a countdown begins to a series of deadlines, the […]