Trekking en Colombia puede ser una manera genial de ver otro lado del país, y escapar la bulla y (enfrentarnos) a la polución de varias ciudades grandes – hacer senderismo en Colombia los llevará al campo y les permite atisbar la verdadera diversidad del país. Lo más genial de los trekking en Colombia son: los […]
Tag: Mocoa and Putumayo
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– When Colombians go to the polls this Sunday (October 2) they will be asked a simple question with a thousand different potential outcomes, consequences and potential developments: ‘SI’ or ‘NO’ to the peace deal with the FARC. President Juan Manuel Santos has already been quoted as saying that a ‘No’ […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Writing about how to visit Mocoa in Colombia’s southern Putumayo department has become somewhat of a hobby and passion of mine – I have written blogs about hiking to the Fin del Mundo waterfalls, visiting the Paway Amazonian Ecological Center, and explaining the 10 reasons why you absolutely have […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– There’s another puente (or Colombian national holiday) next weekend and, instead of heading a couple of hours away to tierra caliente, I have (happily) accepted the ‘offer’ to accompany some friends on another trip to Mocoa in Putumayo – my third this year! The majority of Colombians have never visited the department and […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– ‘The End of the World‘, ‘Gateway to the Amazon‘…’The Trampoline of Death’; Mocoa does produce some dramatic names, doesn’t it?! But whilst the Trampoline of Death conjures up images of some nightmarish, dystopian children’s birthday party gone awry, it is in fact the ‘affectionate’ (but not so much) nickname […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I’ve been spending some time down in the jungle over the past few days, getting to know Mocoa (the capital of Putumayo department) and it’s surrounding jungles and waterfalls. It’s remarkable that in just 12 hours on a night bus from the Andean chill of the ‘refrigerator’ (as people […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Don’t panic, the world isn’t actually ending down here in Putumayo! The End of the World refers to a waterfall known locally as El Fin del Mundo. But I should backtrack first and get to the point: where are we? Mocoa is a small city on the fringes of the […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Part 2 of this Top 10 can be found here. So 2014 has blurred into 2015, and it’s that month where New Year’s Resolutions are made and swiftly broken…how’s that gym membership going? ‘Dry January’ moistened up a bit recently? As we mentioned in this post last year…why not […]