mavecure hills guainia colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I went to see El Abrazo de la Serpiente in Bogota’s excellent alternative cinema, Cine Tonala (check out their website: they show a veriety of independent films from all over the world, serve cracking tacos, and host a weekly soul club!), just after it was first released in 2015 – yep, […]

cerros de mavecure guainia colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– When Colombians go to the polls this Sunday (October 2) they will be asked a simple question with a thousand different potential outcomes, consequences and potential developments: ‘SI’ or ‘NO’ to the peace deal with the FARC. President Juan Manuel Santos has already been quoted as saying that a ‘No’ […]

Cómo viajar de manera independiente a los Cerros de Mavecure

Read the English version of this post here: –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Gracias a la reciente nominación al Oscar (la primera de Colombia) para la épica película filmada en la selva El Abrazo de la Serpiente, un destino colombiana para viajes de aventura parece aprovechar especialmente de ella en 2016 y más allá: los […]

cerros de mavecure guainia colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– La versión de este post en castellano aquí : Thanks to the recent Oscar nomination (Colombia’s first) for the epic jungle feature El Abrazo de la Serpiente (‘The Embrace of the Serpent’), one Colombian adventure travel destination looks particularly set to benefit in 2016 and beyond: the Cerros de […]

Utria National Park Choco Colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– So, it’s 2016, and there has never been a better time to visit Colombia and explore it’s myriad destinations, remarkable diversity, and varied culture. Of course there are the classics: no self-respecting Colombia traveler ends up missing many of Cartagena, Tayrona, Medellin, Cali or Bogota. However, there are so […]