First, I am going to tell you some personal details so that you understand me: Before coming to Colombia for the first time I had already lived and/or traveled for more than 1 year in different countries in South America and according to me (and several friends that I met along the way) was already […]
Tag: The Coffee Region
Hemos escrito muchas publicaciones sobre café en el Blog See Colombia Travel a lo largo de los años. Realmente no es sorprendente: el café es una de las exportaciones globales más importantes e icónicas de Colombia, está disfrutando de una gran ola de popularidad en todo el mundo y crece convenientemente en lugares impresionantes. No […]
We’ve written a lot of blog posts about coffee on the See Colombia Travel Blog over the years. It’s not surprising really: coffee is one of Colombia’s most important and iconic global exports, it’s enjoying a huge wave of popularity worldwide, and it conveniently grows in stunning places. It’s no wonder that coffee tourism plays […]
Primero que todo les voy a contar unos detalles personales para que me entiendan: Antes de venir a Colombia por primera vez ya había vivido y/o viajado por más de 1 año por distintos países de Sudamérica y según yo (y varios amigos que conocí a lo largo del camino) ya me defendía bien en […]
En el Colombia Travel Blog se ha convertido una tradición anual, escribir una lista de nuestros 10 mejores destinos para viajar este año – cada enero miramos a los últimos 12 meses de nuestros viajes por Colombia y las tendencias que hemos notado y definimos 10 lugares espectaculares que recomendamos mucho a visitar a nuestros seguidores […]
It’s become a New Year tradition on the Colombia Travel Blog to write a list of our 10 best destinations in Colombia for the upcoming year – every January we look at the last 12 months of Colombian travel that we have undertaken and the trends that we have noticed and determine 10 amazing places […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– In 2011 UNESCO recognised Colombia’s ‘Coffee Cultural Landscape’ as a World Heritage Site, declaring the region – which includes the departments of Quindio, Risaralda, and Caldas, plus a small part of northern Valle del Cauca – an “exceptional example of a sustainable and productive cultural landscape that is unique […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I have become something of a coffee obsessive over the years I have lived in Colombia. That’s partly down to the excellent new coffee shops that have been springing up all over my neighbourhood, partly because it’s hard not to get obsessive when you have done as many coffee […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Salento is one of Colombia’s most popular and iconic tourist destinations: you can scarcely find an article about Colombian travel that doesn’t make some reference to the iconic wax palms of the Cocora Valley, the principal reason that most people make the short hop from Armenia to Salento. But […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– If there’s one kind of tour you can easily find in Colombia, it’s a coffee tour: from trips to third-wave cafes in cities, to visits to coffee farms in the Colombian coffee region, coffee tourism is a big deal in Colombia these days! I have been on at least […]