Hemos escrito muchas publicaciones sobre café en el Blog See Colombia Travel a lo largo de los años. Realmente no es sorprendente: el café es una de las exportaciones globales más importantes e icónicas de Colombia, está disfrutando de una gran ola de popularidad en todo el mundo y crece convenientemente en lugares impresionantes. No […]
Tag: Buenavista & Pijao
We’ve written a lot of blog posts about coffee on the See Colombia Travel Blog over the years. It’s not surprising really: coffee is one of Colombia’s most important and iconic global exports, it’s enjoying a huge wave of popularity worldwide, and it conveniently grows in stunning places. It’s no wonder that coffee tourism plays […]
En el Colombia Travel Blog se ha convertido una tradición anual, escribir una lista de nuestros 10 mejores destinos para viajar este año – cada enero miramos a los últimos 12 meses de nuestros viajes por Colombia y las tendencias que hemos notado y definimos 10 lugares espectaculares que recomendamos mucho a visitar a nuestros seguidores […]
It’s become a New Year tradition on the Colombia Travel Blog to write a list of our 10 best destinations in Colombia for the upcoming year – every January we look at the last 12 months of Colombian travel that we have undertaken and the trends that we have noticed and determine 10 amazing places […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– In 2011 UNESCO recognised Colombia’s ‘Coffee Cultural Landscape’ as a World Heritage Site, declaring the region – which includes the departments of Quindio, Risaralda, and Caldas, plus a small part of northern Valle del Cauca – an “exceptional example of a sustainable and productive cultural landscape that is unique […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– If there’s one kind of tour you can easily find in Colombia, it’s a coffee tour: from trips to third-wave cafes in cities, to visits to coffee farms in the Colombian coffee region, coffee tourism is a big deal in Colombia these days! I have been on at least […]