Colombia is absolutely chock-a-block (translation for non-native English speakers: full of) with islands: it’s the only country in South America that has both Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, and lots of coast means lots of islands. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– And we’re not talking windswept, weather-beaten, inaccessible rocks here (although there are a fair few […]
Tag: Pasto
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– The spectacular Colombian church Santuario de Las Lajas is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places you can visit in Colombia and in recognition of the church’s remarkable architecture and stunning location it has been placed at No. 1 on a list of the world’s most beautiful churches by The Telegraph newspaper. […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– As much as well love Colombia here at the Colombia Travel Blog (and we do, you know we do!), sometimes we have to accept that not all of you who travel through our adopted homeland plan on staying indefinitely (your loss I say); many of you will move on […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– ‘The End of the World‘, ‘Gateway to the Amazon‘…’The Trampoline of Death’; Mocoa does produce some dramatic names, doesn’t it?! But whilst the Trampoline of Death conjures up images of some nightmarish, dystopian children’s birthday party gone awry, it is in fact the ‘affectionate’ (but not so much) nickname […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I like to think I´m a big fan of cartoons of all persuasions because of the deep philosophical implications of their themes and the surprising manner in which they delve into the contemporary weltanschauung. It´s not because I´ve never grown up, and have nothing better to do with my […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Well, I don’t know if you’re aware or not, but there’s a little thing called the Barranquilla Carnival starting this weekend. If you don’t know, now you know, blogger. So, in celebration of this massive excuse for Barranquilla (and the rest of the country lucky enough to make it) […]
Note: This post delves into the world of the ancient indigenous customs surrounding the consumption of the psychedelic drug/medicine known as yage. I don’t want to sound too preachy, but, as you will read, my experience with it made me realise that it’s no game, but actually a pretty serious undertaking. I’d urge anyone considering […]
Even though – for me at least – that would be sufficient in itself, Narino isn’t just about guinea pigs and street battles. The landscape around Pasto is rugged, verdant, and stunning. And although I’m not the world´s most “spiritual” guy, I am definitely a sucker for the sublime; and there´s plenty of such sublimity […]
Watching an impressive parade of floats like this was only the beginning… It’s Wednesday night, and from what I can gather from the pagans, we’re supposed to be going to an indigenous house in the morning to take yage, some kind of “spiritual medicine,” which means we shouldn’t eat, drink alcohol, or engage in other […]
Well, I’m still alive. I’ve just spent a fairly insane week in the southern city of Pasto with three crazy Colombian pagans, during the Black and White Festival – its most intense week. I’ve witnessed arcane rituals in front of volcanoes, choked on foam and powder in street battles, and almost lost my mind at […]