Las 8 mejores Islas de Colombia

Colombia (está repleto de islas) tiene una buena cantidad de islas: es el único país de Sudamérica que tiene costa en el Pacífico y el mar Caribe , y mucha costa significa muchas islas. Y no estamos hablando de rocas inaccesibles, azotadas por el viento y el clima (aunque también haya un par de esas): […]

Providencia Colombia

Colombia is absolutely chock-a-block (translation for non-native English speakers: full of) with islands: it’s the only country in South America that has both Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, and lots of coast means lots of islands.  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– And we’re not talking windswept, weather-beaten, inaccessible rocks here (although there are a fair few […]

CNN Heroes 2016

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– A couple of months ago we posted an article urging our followers to vote online for CNN’s ‘Hero of the Year’ award, for which a Colombian man, Jeison Aristizábal from Cali, was nominated. Jeison runs a foundation in his native city named the ‘Asociación de Discapacitados del Valle’ (ASODISVALLE), or ‘The […]

Utria National Park Choco Colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– So, it’s 2016, and there has never been a better time to visit Colombia and explore it’s myriad destinations, remarkable diversity, and varied culture. Of course there are the classics: no self-respecting Colombia traveler ends up missing many of Cartagena, Tayrona, Medellin, Cali or Bogota. However, there are so […]