Colombia (está repleto de islas) tiene una buena cantidad de islas: es el único país de Sudamérica que tiene costa en el Pacífico y el mar Caribe , y mucha costa significa muchas islas. Y no estamos hablando de rocas inaccesibles, azotadas por el viento y el clima (aunque también haya un par de esas): […]
Tag: Cali and the Pacific Coast
Colombia is absolutely chock-a-block (translation for non-native English speakers: full of) with islands: it’s the only country in South America that has both Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, and lots of coast means lots of islands. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– And we’re not talking windswept, weather-beaten, inaccessible rocks here (although there are a fair few […]
En el Colombia Travel Blog se ha convertido una tradición anual, escribir una lista de nuestros 10 mejores destinos para viajar este año – cada enero miramos a los últimos 12 meses de nuestros viajes por Colombia y las tendencias que hemos notado y definimos 10 lugares espectaculares que recomendamos mucho a visitar a nuestros seguidores […]
It’s become a New Year tradition on the Colombia Travel Blog to write a list of our 10 best destinations in Colombia for the upcoming year – every January we look at the last 12 months of Colombian travel that we have undertaken and the trends that we have noticed and determine 10 amazing places […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but I love birds. I am a birder: I have been known to stand in the pouring Pacific rain for over 3 hours waiting for the arrival of a small bird in a distant tree. True story: it was the endemic […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– A couple of months ago we posted an article urging our followers to vote online for CNN’s ‘Hero of the Year’ award, for which a Colombian man, Jeison Aristizábal from Cali, was nominated. Jeison runs a foundation in his native city named the ‘Asociación de Discapacitados del Valle’ (ASODISVALLE), or ‘The […]
Un joven colombiano nacido con una parálisis cerebral podría a ser nombrado el héroe numero 1 del año en la convocatoria anual de CNN, “CNN Héroes”. Jeison Aristizábal es el único colombiano entre los otros 9 nominados – casi todos residentes de EEUU – y el sueño que le podemos ayudar a alcanzar, es obtener el premio de USD 100,000 […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Read Part 1 of the Top 10 Colombian Travel Destinations for 2016 here Continuing on from Part 1 of this guide to the 10 Colombian destinatons you have to visit in 2016, here’s Part 2: featuring red rivers, a whole department(!), a festival, a town you’ve definitely heard off (but […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– So, it’s 2016, and there has never been a better time to visit Colombia and explore it’s myriad destinations, remarkable diversity, and varied culture. Of course there are the classics: no self-respecting Colombia traveler ends up missing many of Cartagena, Tayrona, Medellin, Cali or Bogota. However, there are so […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Stephanie Ascanio is a Colombian photographer interested in documenting the daily life of urban spaces that surround her. Throughout her career she has created various photographic series. Many of them have led to exhibitions. One of her favorites is “Perspectives”, the photographic series of a job that lasted several months in Chocó […]