Puede parecer una pregunta extraña, ¿verdad? Todos (seguramente) están pensando: “bueno, Chris, ¡son exactamente 1,141,748 km² desde que lo preguntaste!” Ajá, pero no estoy hablando de tamaños exactos: si queremos ser exactos, podemos afirmar que Colombia es, en términos de área, el 25º país más grande del mundo, justo entre Sudáfrica y Etiopía. También tiene […]
Tag: Transport in Colombia
That might seem like a strange question, right?! You’re all (surely) thinking: “well, Chris, it’s exactly 1,141,748km2 since you asked!” Aha, but I’m not talking about exact sizes: if we want to be exact then we can state that Colombia is, in terms of area, the 25th largest country on earth, right between South Africa […]
¡Revisa nuestra Guía Completa para visitar Cabo de la Vela completamente actualizada para más información sobre viajar a La Guajira! –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Punta Gallinas es el punto más septentrional de América del Sur – el inicio de un continente (o el final: depende de su perspectiva realmente): el punto donde la gran […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– In 2011 UNESCO recognised Colombia’s ‘Coffee Cultural Landscape’ as a World Heritage Site, declaring the region – which includes the departments of Quindio, Risaralda, and Caldas, plus a small part of northern Valle del Cauca – an “exceptional example of a sustainable and productive cultural landscape that is unique […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Medellin has become famous over the past few years for it’s impressive commitment to innovative and progressive social and architectural projects. It clearly still has it’s issues to sort out, like many global cities, but in going from the world’s most dangerous city in the 90s to ‘most innovative’ […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombia is a pretty geographically diverse place: you can go from desert, to plains, to jungle, to high Andean mountains to ocean in just a couple of days here, so getting around can sometimes be tricky. Most people fly, take buses or drive, but there are many other forms […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I have travelled on some unusual modes of transportation over my many years of travel: tuk-tuks through Bangkok, sea-planes over Vancouver Island, a hot-air balloon over the Masai Mara. Even in Colombia you can often find yourself crammed into the back of a 6-seater bus with 14 other people […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– ‘The End of the World‘, ‘Gateway to the Amazon‘…’The Trampoline of Death’; Mocoa does produce some dramatic names, doesn’t it?! But whilst the Trampoline of Death conjures up images of some nightmarish, dystopian children’s birthday party gone awry, it is in fact the ‘affectionate’ (but not so much) nickname […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– When you finally get to Colombia, the easiest way to travel around by far (before you enter the magical world of The Chicken Buses) are those little lemon-yellow taxis blaring out their salsa or reggaeton that are in such rich profusion pretty much all over the country. Convenient, quick, and […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– There are some wild rumours flying around the place. And I´m not talking about just the usual ones circulating around this country, such as the ridiculous one about the reason why all the gents at the See Colombia Towers wear hats is because they´re going bald; or the completely […]