Las Gachas Guadalupe Santander

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– En 2015 escribí una entrada en el blog sobre “el Caño Cristales de Santander” (por lo menos así lo bautizó yo) que se centró en los asombrosos ríos rojos que hay alrededor del pueblo de Guadalupe en el departamento de Santander y su similitud a la icónica atracción colombiana de Caño […]

las gachas guadalupe santander

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Last month I wrote a blog post all about the Cano Cristales of Santander (that’s what I christened it anyway!) – this focused on the amazing red rivers flowing around the small town of Guadalupe in Santander department, and their similarity to the iconic Colombian attraction of Cano Cristales…the […]

Paragliding Chicamocha Canyon Colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Paragliding is becoming quite the popular pastime for Colombia travelers these days: it’s a growing day-trip trend from Bogota, Medellin and Bucaramanga, as visitors to Colombia bid to break the bonds of gravity and laugh in the face of the gods…or at least hover in the sky for 15 […]

Los Estoraques Colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Norte de Santander department, located, you guessed it, north of Santander on the Venezuelan border, isn’t really an overly visited Colombian department…it seems to fall between the gaps of the people who visit Santander for San Gil and Barichara, and those heading to the coast in Santa Marta and […]