–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– There are 32 departments in Colombia, and I’d bet that the average visitor to the country only visits around 6 or 7, perhaps even fewer. Most people who spend more time here will make it to some of the more off-the-beaten-track destinations, yet there are many regions that have […]
Tag: Indigenous Culture
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– In 1916 6 Arhuacos set off from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta for Bogotá. They walked the entire way from the world’s highest coastal mountain range to the Colombian capital. It took them 6 months to arrive at the Narino Palace to meet with the Colombian president, Jose Vicente […]
Debo confesar que cuando salió la oportunidad de viajar a Bogotá con Avianca (ver video completo aqui) no me sentí tan feliz como uno pensaría (Por fa no se pongan bravos conmigo… esto mejora ;)). Sobre mí estaba cayendo la mega responsabilidad de ser la anfitriona de un capítulo de 3 Travel Blogger en mi […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombia is a country with a rich indigenous history and culture and many of these distinct cultures are represented by what is known in Colombia as artesanias, or artisan crafts. Now there are plenty of great souvenirs you can buy in Colombia, such as coffee, that we have already written […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– My name is Chris, and I drink. Coffee. Quite a lot of coffee in fact. A friend of mine just opened up a lovely little restaurant and coffee bar in La Candelaria (Papaya Gourmet, since you ask), and according to him I’m just about the only person who’ll come in, […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– It’s Christmas Day, and I’m strolling along a gently winding path by the banks of a river. A family of pigs, a mother and five tiny piglets, are snuffling calmly in the undergrowth to my right. They are largely unperturbed as I pass by within a few feet of […]