Chingaza Bogotá Colombia

Click here for our original Top 5 One Day Trips from Bogotá –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– We’ve been saying it for years here at the Colombia Travel Blog: Bogotá is more than just museums, restaurants, and culture…I mean, it is all those things (very much so), but the capital of Colombia has way more to […]

Camino Real Bolivar Colombia

The anniversary of the death of Simon Bolivar was on December 17th, 1830. Although the man commonly known as ‘The Liberator’ was born in Venezuela (Caracas in 1783), many of Bolivar’s greatest triumphs and disasters took place in what is now Colombia, during and after the Wars of Independence which have made him famous throughout […]

photos of bogota colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– This is a guest post by Di Michelle, a digital marketer and world traveller currently exploring South America, and blogging about it on her travel blog ‘Slight North’. Over the next few months she will be sharing photographic tales of her Colombian travels with the Colombia Travel Blog through […]

Al final de este episodio de los 3 Travel Bloggers en Bogotá les quiero compartir esta galería de fotos con los recuerdos que nos tomamos Arianna, Toya y yo mientras rodamos el vídeo con Avianca y #UnNuevoDestino. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Seguramente conocen algunos de estos lugares como Monserrate o la mina de sal […]

abuela blanca muisca humedal la conejera bogota

Debo confesar que cuando salió la oportunidad de viajar a Bogotá con Avianca (ver video completo aqui) no me sentí tan feliz como uno pensaría (Por fa no se pongan bravos conmigo… esto mejora ;)). Sobre mí estaba cayendo la mega responsabilidad de ser la anfitriona de un capítulo de 3 Travel Blogger en mi […]

cartagena colombia itinerary

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombia travel has changed dramatically over the 5-or-so years that we’ve been working as a Colombia travel blog – back in 2011 when we started blogging about this country most people travelling in Colombia were here backpacking, taking their time and moving around the country for at least 2-4 weeks […]