–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– There are 32 departments in Colombia. They range from isolated jungle regions in the south and east of the country to Caribbean island redoubts off the coast of Nicaragua; from Andean mountain regions, to the vast plains of the east; coastal deserts to the one of the wettest places […]
Tag: Honda and Tolima
En 1760 un científico español llamado José Celestino Mutis vino a recorrer Colombia para explorar y documentar la flora y fauna de esta parte misteriosa y majestuosa de las Américas. En 1763 Mutis solicito a su patria natal que patrocinara su expedición y veinte largos años después, el rey le dio su aprobación. ¡Y Olé! […]
Back in 1760 a Spanish scientist named José Celestino Mutis came over to travel Colombia to explore and document the native flora and fauna of this mysterious and majestic part of the Americas. In 1763 Mutis asked his motherland to sponsor his expedition and 20 LONG years later, the king gave him the OK. Olé! […]
When we entered the city of Armero, I wasn’t completely sure I knew what was going on. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– The mood in our tour bus grew somber as our guide Nathalia, talked about the history of the area. It was all in Spanish but I caught bits and bobs. I heard the words […]