Bogota International Book Fair

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Today marks the first day of Bogota’s annual International Book Fair (FILBO). The festival will run for two weeks between April 29 and May 12, and takes place in Corferias, a large convention centre in the neighbourhood of Quintaparedes (Corferias address: Cra. 37 #24-67). Since the fair began in […]

Remembering Gabo

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– When I first pulled One Hundred Years of Solitude from the shelf in my local bookshop, aged 14, and quickly parted with the princely sum of eight pounds to take it home (mainly because I loved the sound of the author’s name and the cover-art,), I could never have […]

El Gabo

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Gabriel Garcia Marquez will forever be remembered as a man of letters; a literary icon almost without equal, and the originator of the Latin American literary ‘boom’ with whom he is synonymous. However, what many people may not know is that music was as much, if not more, of […]

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Gabriel Garcia Marquez is Colombia’s most iconic figure: a literary giant whose laid-back attitude and casual costeno charm have made him a hero to millions. He’s had a pretty colourful life as well, so here are See Colombia’s Top 5 favourite Gabo moments: 1. “Turn this car around!” The […]

A street in Mompox, Colombia

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– As a cynical European, I always understood Magical Realism as crazy Latin American folklore, a literary device that had no real connection to the world. My British skepticism couldn’t grasp the concept, the idea of magic being present in the mundane, real world, of normal, realistic settings going hand […]