First, I am going to tell you some personal details so that you understand me: Before coming to Colombia for the first time I had already lived and/or traveled for more than 1 year in different countries in South America and according to me (and several friends that I met along the way) was already […]
Tag: Moving to Colombia
Not knowing very much more about Colombia other than it being somewhere in South America, and that two of my best mates were from there (I’m sure I didn’t even know how to spell it), there’s plenty I could say I wish I’d known before coming here for what I stupidly thought was a month. […]
Primero que todo les voy a contar unos detalles personales para que me entiendan: Antes de venir a Colombia por primera vez ya había vivido y/o viajado por más de 1 año por distintos países de Sudamérica y según yo (y varios amigos que conocí a lo largo del camino) ya me defendía bien en […]
All countries, and even most regions, have their own unique brand of slang. Slang not only colours a language, but also contains something of a regional identity; these deviations from language can set you apart from other places and strengthen your feeling of belonging to a place. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– They can also […]
Weddings in Colombia are a big deal. A culture that relishes everything fiesta-orientated, the celebration is extravagent and lasts well into the morning. Unfortunately, this doesn’t come without planning, and for your wedding in Colombia there’s a lot you need to know before you can exchange your rings. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Here’s the […]
Since I’ve been living in Colombia, I’ve always wondered what things about Colombia I would miss if I ever had the misfortune to have to leave this country. Heading back home for a short trip, I wasn’t really expecting to miss that much. How wrong I was. Colombia has obviously got deeper under my skin […]
So, we reckon you should move to Colombia. Now. And it’s not because we’re lonely, and need some new friends. That’s beside the point, OK? We just think that Colombia’s pretty O for Awesome, and if you’re not careful, you might just end up like us. I mean, finding yourself somehow living in Colombia, when […]
It seems that every day now I get an email from someone wondering about what it’s like to live in Colombia. I even had several people ask me when I went back to the UK recently. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– And they weren’t just casually inquiring. These are all people that are genuinely interested […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– When I first decided to move back to Colombia – I had previously lived here for a year in 2011 – I knew that I would be coming back to this wonderful country regardless of whether I found a job right away. I planned to fly out and find […]
Acabo de volver de un viaje a Europa y como se pueden imaginar o ya saben es bastante diferente, especialmente ahora que en Europa es invierno, el cual este año ha sido bastante bravo gracias a una ola de frío siberiano. Muchos escritores extranjeros de nuestro blog (Chris, Paul, Azzam, Jessica) han hecho su lista de […]