
Colombia is not especially famous for its gastronomy (unfairly in my opinion), however, there are many delicious regional varieties of food to try which will ensure that even the most committed foodie can have an amazing experience traveling through Colombia.  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– From the thick, hearty stews and soups of Bogotá, to […]

Arepas_de_huevo (Photo: Jdvillalobos on Wikipedia)

Many foreigners in Colombia will see the title of this post (in spite of the ‘?’) As pure sacrilege: the humble Arepa is often treated with barely masked disdain by the growing number of foreigners visiting Colombia or calling the country home. Many Colombians might be in pretty strong disagreement as well, citing Ajiaco, Bandeja Paisa, Sancocho, […]

café la floresta pijao quindio

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– I have become something of a coffee obsessive over the years I have lived in Colombia. That’s partly down to the excellent new coffee shops that have been springing up all over my neighbourhood, partly because it’s hard not to get obsessive when you have done as many coffee […]

Photo: Coffee Management Services

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– My name is Chris, and I drink. Coffee. Quite a lot of coffee in fact. A friend of mine just opened up a lovely little restaurant and coffee bar in La Candelaria (Papaya Gourmet, since you ask), and according to him I’m just about the only person who’ll come in, […]

visit Paloquemao market bogota

  –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombia isn’t really famous for it’s food and drink around the world: the true ‘foodie paradise’ destination tags go to South-East Asian countries, Mediterranean destinations, and Latin American countries like Peru and Mexico. When people think of ‘foodie travel’ Colombia is rarely on the tip of their tongues. This […]