Colombia is absolutely chock-a-block (translation for non-native English speakers: full of) with islands: it’s the only country in South America that has both Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, and lots of coast means lots of islands. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– And we’re not talking windswept, weather-beaten, inaccessible rocks here (although there are a fair few […]
Tag: Gorgona Island
Para leer la versión en inglés has click aquí. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– El primero de julio solo significa algo (bueno de hecho puede significar muchas cosas pero que ahora nos concierna solo una): es el comienzo oficial de la época de las ballenas jorobadas en Colombia. Las primeras ballenas fueron vistas desde la […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– It’s the first day of July, and that means one thing (well, it means lots of things, but for our purposes just one!): it’s officially the beginning of humpback whale season here in Colombia. The first whales were spotted from the coast of Colombia’s Pacific region a couple of […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombia is a country of wondrous destinations; a place with stunning variety and remarkable diversity. It is also home to some truly surreal travel destinations: places where reality and imagination seem to converge. Here are our Top 5 surreal spots in Colombia: 1. La Guajira Gigantic sand-dunes crashing into […]