Capurganá y Sapzurro – dos poblaciones ubicadas entre la selva del famoso Tapón del Darién y las playas de arena blanca con agua de color turquesa del Golfo de Urabá. En esta región no hay carreteras, todas las personas que quieran llegar allá o que se quieran desplazarse de un pueblo a otro deben de […]
Tag: Capurgana and Sapzurro
Para nuestro itinerario de viaje cultural e histórico de 2 semanas: Haga clic aquí –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Durante las próximas semanas, escribiremos una serie de publicaciones que contienen ejemplos de itinerarios de vacaciones en Colombia de 2 semanas (incluidas actividades adicionales para aquellos con 3 semanas o un mes); Estos itinerarios están diseñados […]
Capurganá and Sapzurro – two towns located between the jungle of the famous Darién Gap and the white sand beaches with turquoise water of the Gulf of Urabá. In this region there are no roads, all the people who want to get there or who want to move from one town to another must do […]
For our 2 week culture and history trip itinerary: click here –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Over the next few weeks, we will be writing a series of posts containing sample 2-week Colombian holiday itineraries (including additional activities for those with 3 weeks or a month); these itineraries are designed to give readers an idea of […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Part 2 of this Top 10 can be found here. So 2014 has blurred into 2015, and it’s that month where New Year’s Resolutions are made and swiftly broken…how’s that gym membership going? ‘Dry January’ moistened up a bit recently? As we mentioned in this post last year…why not […]
Colombia is a veritable paradise for some. Tourists visiting the country are astounded by the country’s beauty, the deftness and speed of it’s progress and the kindness of its people. For decades, however, the country has been embroiled in violent troubles, remnants of a past that gave Colombia a reputation for being a no-go area. […]
Colombia has more than its fair share of stunning coastline – about 1,800km of Caribbean and 1,500km of Pacific to be unnecessarily precise. However, possibly the most beautiful corner of Colombia’s coastline is, in fact, right in the corner! Capurganá is a small town, accessible only by infrequent flights and daily speedboats, nestled away right […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Colombia is a country of wildlife. Ecologically, it is considered one of the world’s most megadiverse countries, and is the most megadiverse per square kilometre on the planet. It is likely that within the next two years Colombia will become the first country on earth to register 1,900 species […]