Recientemente se publicó un artículo en El Tiempo sobre lo que Bogotá necesita para convertirse en una “ciudad global”. Ya veo a Bogotá como una ciudad aparentemente cosmopolita e internacional, pero entiendo lo que dice el artículo. De hecho, es un tema en el que hemos pensado antes en Colombia Travel Blog. Con todas sus […]
Author: Paul Fowler
There was recently an article in El Tiempo discussing what Bogotá needs in order to become a ‘global city’. I already see Bogotá as an ostensibly cosmopolitan, international city, but I understand what the article is saying. Indeed, it’s a topic we at the Colombia Travel Blog have thought about before. For all its virtues, […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– The See Colombia Travel Best Meme of 2012 Keep Calm and See Colombia Sometimes, all the pieces fit. The best memes are simple, memorable, visually arresting, and put a little twist on something that’s in the collective consciousness. Here, we have a familiar formula given a little spin, using […]
All countries, and even most regions, have their own unique brand of slang. Slang not only colours a language, but also contains something of a regional identity; these deviations from language can set you apart from other places and strengthen your feeling of belonging to a place. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– They can also […]
21. El conocimiento local es una cosa real En Londres llueve mucho y salvo que haya nubes excesivamente oscuras, no puedo predecir cuando llueve. Sin embargo todos los bogotanos saben exactamente cuándo va a llover. Si alguna vez has escuchado la expresión “oh, eso es sol de lluvia” entonces sabes bien de qué estoy hablando. […]
Hola a todos, –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Ya hemos hablado en nuestro Blog otras veces como el español de Colombia nos parece el que mejor se habla y pronuncia en nuestro Continente. Como el único latino-no-Colombiano de este equipo y después de haber vivido varios países de América Latina yo creo a pies juntillas […]
It seems that every day now I get an email from someone wondering about what it’s like to live in Colombia. I even had several people ask me when I went back to the UK recently. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– And they weren’t just casually inquiring. These are all people that are genuinely interested […]
1. That it’s not as scary as you were told –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Before you leave for Colombia you’ll undoubtedly be told by parents, uncles, friends and even people you don’t even really know that Colombia should be avoided. It’s a jungle out there! You’ll be kidnapped! Not so. I went, stayed 3 […]
–> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Well hello there once again, Colombia Travel Blog readers. For those who don’t know me, my name is Paul and I used to be editor of this here blog before I moved to Berlin where I currently work for Viventura. It seems a long time ago now that I […]
So today marks the birthday of The Big Man, our marketing and communications genius, Jose Luis Pastor. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Most of us gave up something when we came to Colombia, but in search of his dream JL gave up a little more than most. You can read all about that here in […]