Colombia Independence day

Colombia celebrated its Independence Day on July 20th, 1810, independence was declared in Santa Fe de Bogotá. The process was by no means easy; the Wars of Independence continued long after this date, and Colombia became part of Gran Colombia (including modern-day Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador) in 1819, but, following its break-up in 1831, Colombia […]

Que significa ser un colombiano? Estereotipos colombianos

Es muy difícil generalizar o intentar reunir las características que describen a los habitantes de todo un país en una lista, especialmente cuando se trata de Colombia, ya que como sabemos está lleno de diversidad y las personas no son la excepción. Cada región tiene unas características muy específicas, pero otro día hablaremos de paisas, […]

Colombia es chevere

All countries, and even most regions, have their own unique brand of slang. Slang not only colours a language, but also contains something of a regional identity; these deviations from language can set you apart from other places and strengthen your feeling of belonging to a place. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– They can also […]

Weddings in Colombia are a big deal. A culture that relishes everything fiesta-orientated, the celebration is extravagent and lasts well into the morning. Unfortunately, this doesn’t come without planning, and for your wedding in Colombia there’s a lot you need to know before you can exchange your rings. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Here’s the […]