Colombia celebró su Día de la Independencia el 20 de julio de 1810, se declaró la independencia en Santa Fe de Bogotá. El proceso no fue nada fácil; Las Guerras de Independencia continuaron mucho después de esta fecha, y Colombia pasó a formar parte de la Gran Colombia (incluida la actual Venezuela, Panamá y Ecuador) […]
Category: Colombian Culture
It is very difficult to generalize or try to gather the characteristics that describe the inhabitants of an entire country in a list, especially when it comes to Colombia since as we know it is full of diversity and people are no exception. Each region has very specific characteristics, but another day we will talk […]
Colombia cuenta con una gran cantidad de hermosas islas caribeñas frente a sus costas, pero hay dos que sobresalen en términos de infraestructura turística y por su belleza natural. La isla más popular para pasar vacaciones en el Caribe es San Andrés, pero si estás buscando tu propio pedacito de cielo en la tierra consideramos […]
Colombia has many beautiful Caribbean islands off its coast, but there are two that stand out in terms of tourism infrastructure and their natural beauty. The most popular island to spend a vacation in the Caribbean is San Andrés but if you are looking for your own little piece of heaven on earth, we consider […]
Colombia celebrated its Independence Day on July 20th, 1810, independence was declared in Santa Fe de Bogotá. The process was by no means easy; the Wars of Independence continued long after this date, and Colombia became part of Gran Colombia (including modern-day Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador) in 1819, but, following its break-up in 1831, Colombia […]
There was recently an article in El Tiempo discussing what Bogotá needs in order to become a ‘global city’. I already see Bogotá as an ostensibly cosmopolitan, international city, but I understand what the article is saying. Indeed, it’s a topic we at the Colombia Travel Blog have thought about before. For all its virtues, […]
Es muy difícil generalizar o intentar reunir las características que describen a los habitantes de todo un país en una lista, especialmente cuando se trata de Colombia, ya que como sabemos está lleno de diversidad y las personas no son la excepción. Cada región tiene unas características muy específicas, pero otro día hablaremos de paisas, […]
All countries, and even most regions, have their own unique brand of slang. Slang not only colours a language, but also contains something of a regional identity; these deviations from language can set you apart from other places and strengthen your feeling of belonging to a place. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– They can also […]
Weddings in Colombia are a big deal. A culture that relishes everything fiesta-orientated, the celebration is extravagent and lasts well into the morning. Unfortunately, this doesn’t come without planning, and for your wedding in Colombia there’s a lot you need to know before you can exchange your rings. –> Colombia Dolar (TRM) <– Here’s the […]
21. El conocimiento local es una cosa real En Londres llueve mucho y salvo que haya nubes excesivamente oscuras, no puedo predecir cuando llueve. Sin embargo todos los bogotanos saben exactamente cuándo va a llover. Si alguna vez has escuchado la expresión “oh, eso es sol de lluvia” entonces sabes bien de qué estoy hablando. […]